The Fair Tax Mark is featured in The Times this morning but I don’t pay to read it so I can only feature the headline: The
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Companies have forgotten how to make money
The last of the ‘pullover’ videos deals mainly with issues relating to tax competition: If you want me to suggest a company that has no
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The moral economy of the tax avoidance industry
I was asked to write some observations on the subject of accountants and morality yesterday as part of research being undertaken for a forthcoming bool.
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So much for the “plan” – it’s delivered the slowest recovery in economic history
To those who do not read the Touchstone blog from the TUC I warmly recommend it. This fascinating insight was on there yesterday, written by
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Tax, Apple, Gillian Tett and me on Channel 4 News
Apple, profits, tax and power
Apple has proved its brilliance and it has been rewarded with enormous financial power. The trouble is that Apple does not appear to have realised
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Why debt is an excuse in the case of Greece: Guest post
The following was posted as a comment n the blog by Ivan Horrocks, a regular commentator here. I thought it worth sharing more widely, with minor editorial
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Tech’s still up to its usual tricks
From an FT email this morning: Tax free tech is still up to all its usual tricks and making handsomely from it. No wonder they
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The CBI is proposing an economic rule for the UK that no government’s followed since 1692
Some time ago I was invited to write on tax for the CBI’s Great Business Debate and the resulting blog was published yesterday. I stress, it
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