I am delighted that Kostas Vaxevanis has been found not guilty in his trial in Greece where he was accused of breaking data privacy laws by publishing the names in
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Does Canada’s government want to know about tax havens?
Watch TJN’s Jim Henry on Canada’s CBC television(section starts at about 1:14). He talks about his/TJN’s report The Price of Offshore Revisited, some of the mechanisms
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Transfer pricing: the ten minute video briefing
I’ve been spending much of my day teaching journalists and others about transfer pricing. In case others are interested this is a video I made on this
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Starbucks admit they tell investors one story and tax authorities another. Please reconcile that with corporate social responsibility
Reuters has put out another Starbucks tax story. Their special report out today has the title “Starbucks’s European tax bill disappears down $100 million hole”.
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The time has come to put company tax payments on public record – as Finland has just started to do
Tax transparency is something that I have long campaigned for. As a result I was delighted to hear that the Finnish tax authorities published today,
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PWC are taking country-by-country reporting seriously. Now it’s time for serious dialogue
I am pleased to see that PWC have published a new report that they suggest is up to date to August 2012 on the subject
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That EU budget – a case of politics running ahead of sound economic thinking?
It’s hard not to take pleasure in Tory disarray: that Cameron is going the way Major did and if anything more quickly than Major ever
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Heseltine is right, but has much to apologise for
What can be said about Heseltine’s report on growth? He’s right. Supply side reforms do not work. He’s right, we need investment now. He’s right,
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It’s time for the world’s leaders to note that tax is key to development
David Cameron is hosting the meeting of the High Level Panel, of which he is a co-chair and which the United Nations set up to
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