The following comes from the Real World Economic Review blog and shows the percentage growth in income for three groups in the USA from 1979 to 2007. Of course the data will
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Call for Papers for a Workshop on Tax Avoidance, Corruption and Crisis
Call for Papers for a Workshop on TAX AVOIDANCE, CORRUPTION AND CRISIS Essex University, July 2012 The 2012 research workshop co-organised by the Association for
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UK UnCut and Dave Hartnett
I think it quite appropriate to reproduce the following press release from UK UnCut. The sentiment is widely shared, showing how in touch these people are: Campers at Occupy
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Companies do not have a duty to maximise their profits or to avoid tax
There has been recent dispute both on this blog and on Twitter about whether a company has a duty to maximise its profits, or not.
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Who pays for street lights in the neoliberal world?
I spend a lot of time criticising neoliberal policy here, and rightly so. But I also accept that the real right wing libertarian neoliberals argue
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There is an essential truth in this
Larry Summers has said in the FT this morning: The central irony of financial crisis is that while it is caused by too much confidence,
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A Manifesto for Tax Justice
I wrote the following late last year. Little has changed. I offer it again to those wondering what we must do to bring capitalism back under democratic control as
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