If, as now seems to be the case, it is recognised that Mubarak and his friends stashed their money illegally in London are those who
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Most accountants who’re making comment are to blame for the mess we’re in
Nick Cohen wrote in the Observer today: The banks are as great a threat to our national security as a foreign enemy. We collect intelligence
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Banks, their losses and why they won’t be paying tax for some time to come – at cost to the rest of us
For those who want to know why banks won’t be paying corporation tax for some time to come, can I recommend a report I wrote
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More moves to force companies to say where they are – which is in tax havens
The Financial Mail is continuing its campaign on tax haven activity by major companies: Hundreds of secret tax haven subsidiaries belonging to major companies have
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George Osborne backs country-by-country reporting for the extractive industries
Good news from the Observer today: Britain is throwing its weight behind European efforts to force oil andmining companies to publish details of every penny
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