FT.com / UK – US budget proposal to attack overseas tax breaks. The FT noted yesterday (and I was too busy to note it): The
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Treasury revises revenue from 50% rate
Treasury revises revenue from 50% rate – Accountancy Age. The Age says: The Treasury is expecting to take much less from the new 50% rate
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The problem of being non-resident – another case for Millionaire Aid
FT.com / Media – Hands’ dilemma as Citi seeks court move. The FT notes: Guy Hands may face a dilemma over his tax planning if
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The Tories – laying the groundwork for a repeat of 1992?
Stern denies he’s a Tory adviser as Labour scents Osborne gaffe | Politics | The Guardian . The Guardian reports Osborne saying: Failing to tackle
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Budget Proposal Would Boost IRS Funding – WSJ.com
Budget Proposal Would Boost IRS Funding – WSJ.com. The US is giving the IRS extra funds to close the tax gap. We’re doing the exact
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Voting reform and MPs and Peers must pay tax
Gordon Brown to pledge pre-election legislation on voting reform | Politics | The Guardian . Gordon Brown will today announce to ensure those elected to
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‘Tax, Financial Secrecy and Investigative Journalism’
I’m taking part in a session on ‘Tax, Financial Secrecy and Investigative Journalism’ on Wednesday 10th February, 6.30pm in Room 107, New Academic Building, London
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And they said it was all over
The Mole: Why has the Conservatives’ poll lead slipped so low? | News & Politics | News & Comment | The First Post. Unbelievable though
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Why We’re Losing The Pension Gamble
My latest column on Forbes has the above title. The core of the argument is this: We’ve neglected a fundamental contract between generations. Here’s how
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