FT.com / Lex / Finance & governance - UK superfast broadband.
Business says the UK must invest in infrastructure to ensure it is competitve in the future.
Business says it does not want to pay the taxes to ensure this is the case.
The government prposes a small tax that is highly regressive to deliver IT infrastructure reform.
Business and its representatives say they do not want it.
Does business have any clue about what it wants and how to pay for it?
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Compare & contrast with London Crossrail where Ken Livingstone managed to get a small levy on businesses in to help pay for a project from which all Central London businesses will benefit enormously, in the teeth of opposition from the idiot squad who purport to speak for the business sector.
A politician having to go out on a limb to get business to do something in its own interest.
The business lobby needs to grow up. The problem is the basic lack of intelligence of its representatives. Look at Ruth Lea for example.
If the 1939 Site Value Rating for London Bill (proposed by Mandelson’s grandad) had been enacted London could have had the best infrastructure in the world since it has some of the highest site values in the world.