Tories vow to cut NHS bureaucracy by a third | Politics | .
It's reported that:
Addressing the Conservative conference in Manchester, Lansley will say: "Labour have made expensive commitments on the NHS with no price tag. In contrast, we are determined to identify how we will save money before we spend it.
"To make the NHS successful we must devolve decision-making closer to patients. In doing so we'll save substantial sums of money.
Let's interpret that: doctors (who almost without exception have no management training at all) will manage massive budgets with no time allocated to do so.
Now tell me how that is meant to save money or enhance efficiency when - with the greatest of respect to doctors - they have no clue how to manage big budgets?
And how are doctors going to do this work and tjeir front line work when most work 11 hour days or more now?
This is traightforward madness.
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Are you really suggesting the current level of admin cost in the NHS budget is about right? Have you seen the figues for year on year increase in admin costs in the NHS? In any case your interpretation is disingenuous – the chap is clearly referring to moving clinical decisions away from committees and back to Doctors.
I do know something about the NS – I am married to a GP
No, the admin is not right. That is because of the absurd market structure and the vast accounting that it entails. Get rid of it.
That will make a massive change
Then create regional health authorities covering GPs, hospitals and other services – big things, with low unit costs
But do devolve clinical work to doctors. They are trained to do that. Not admin
Same as schools – let them teach and have education authorities to run the admin