Michael Foot was commissioned to prepare a report on the British tax havens last November. There was never any doubt he was the wrong man
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KansasCity.Com has reported: Stephen Mazza, a professor at KU’s School of Law, and two associates spent six months examining the effects of one part of
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BBC Radio 4 today – 12 noon
For those interested I will be on You and Yours, BBC Radio 4, today at 12 noon for most of an hour — discussing budget
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Stock markets hit by BofA’s bleak forecast
FT.com / Companies – Stock markets hit by BofA’s bleak forecast. Why on earth does anyone think the immediate prospects are anything but bleak? Unemployment
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US needs to get off the pot
Dennis Howlett discusses the US wriggling to get out of IFRS here. IFRS is horrible in many ways — but rule based accounting is worse.
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The Chinese way of saying things
The Shanghai Daily has a good article (in English)m on tax havens today. It begins: THE wealth management industry has reacted in measured terms after
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