SEE Compnaies – ethical screening for companies that asks the questions people want answered

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Just launched is the SEE Companies ethical accreditation scheme for companies that identifies companies taking social, environmental and ethical (SEE) issues seriously.

I welcome this: most CSR investment screening is simple greenwash. Take the tax questions as an example (into which I'll disclose I had an input) which require a company to answer the question:

Has your company paid appropriate levels of tax over the last two financial years?

Guidance notes add:

Companies must, for the last two financial years:
- state the date of publication;
- state the tax bracket that applies to their business; and
- state the percentage of tax they have paid.
Companies may provide any other relevant information.

Companies must, for the last two financial years:
- state the exact amount of profits generated;
- state the tax rate that applies;
- state the amount of tax paid and the percentage this represents; and
- explain why they paid taxes at a different rate.
Companies may provide any other relevant information.

Companies must:
- confirm that they have not made profits in both of the last two financial years; OR
- explain why they are not subject to taxation.

DON'T KNOW is not a permissible answer to this question.

NO ANSWER YET is only permissible under extraordinary circumstances and then for only a limited period.

It's about time ethical screening included such issues.

As it should also cover this one:

Is your company's average employee salary at least 5% of the total remuneration of its highest paid executive?

I can see this type of screening becoming very popular, quite soon when it becomes clear by just how much high paid fools have abused UK companies during the last few years.

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