The neoliberal consensus is far too alive and well in Scotland

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With apologies to my non-Scottish readers, what is happening there continues to be of economic and political interest when the rUK only has Brexit and the farce of both Tory and Labour positions on that issue to consider.

And let's be honest there is something to debate there when in Westminster there appears to only be consensus on a) promoting politically fantastic ideas on Brexit and b) crashing out of the EU.

The latest twist on Scotland is a new report that CommonSpace reported yesterday, saying:

An off-shoot paper from the SNP's Growth Commission has echoed its economic strategy but for a devolved context, advocating fiscal discipline, restricting government expenditures and tax competition with other small nations.

As they add:

‘Policy insights for Scotland from small advanced nations', authored by Dr Skilling, who sat on the SNP's Growth Commission and is a former New Zealand government economic advisor, was launched in Edinburgh this morning [7 June] with Tory shadow Finance Minister Murdo Fraser, Labour Economy spokesperson Jackie Baillie and SNP MSP Kate Forbes speaking at the launch.

So, Dr Skilling, who was an adviser to the neoliberal New Zealand government that has been rejected by its voters, put forward pure Washington Consensus neoliberal nonsense straight out of the George Osborne austerity copy-book as a spin off from the SNP Growth Commission, which Skilling advised, and Labour and the Tories applauded.

Please don't tell me that the neoliberal consensus is not alive and well and in UK politics - as it very clearly is.

I am, however, hopeful that this weekiend's SNP confernece many see a backlash begin, however, co-ordinated the leadership's backing for the trusty awful Growth Commission recommendations might be.


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