It must be hard to know that you’re facilitating crime, corruption, inequality, exploitation, the undermining of democracy and the destruction of fair markets

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I noted yesterday that it is quite likely that parliament will next week vote to impose transparency on the UK's tax havens. Enough Tory MPs appear to be in favour to ensure an amendment to legislation proposed by Margaret Hodge will carry the day.

Today the FT reports that:

UK ministers are searching for a late compromise to prevent the Cayman Islands and other British overseas territories having to publish full ownership registers of their companies.

I hope they can live with their consciences. It must be hard to know that what you're doing is facilitating crime, corruption, inequality, exploitation, the undermining of democracy and the destruction of fair markets, all of which are what tax haven secrecy permits.

There again, these are Tory ministers. Think of what else they have facilitated. But this time they have to lose.

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