It’s very hard to take Cameron seriously when he abuses his own staff

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David Cameron shows his incompetence daily.

He's been a knee-jerk disaster on Libya.

Now he shows his own inability to manage. Unlike Cameron I've managed quite a lot of small businesses. And employed quite a lot of people. One thing I've learned from doing so is ratting on your won staff is not a good idea. I'm not sure I ever did it. I hope not. It seemed like the most obvious and most basis lesson of management. It undermines morale. It destroys trust. It creates conflict inside the business. It prevents delivery of product - whatever the aim is.

So this weekend Cameron ratted on this own staff - and quite massively so. He called them the 'enemies of enterprise'. He ratted on his own staff highlighting those he called:

• "The bureaucrats in government departments who concoct those ridiculous rules and regulations that make life impossible, particularly for small firms."

‚Ä¢ "The town hall officials who take for ever with those planning decisions that can be make or break for a business — and the investment and jobs that go with it."

• "The public sector procurement managers who think that the answer to everything is a big contract with a big business and who shut out millions of Britain's small- and medium-sized companies from a massive potential market."

Hang on: I run small businesses. I reckon the insurance renewal I have on my desk is a lot more onerous than any other admin burden I face a year. That or the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales annual return form I complete as an accountant. They're more burdensome than anything I can think the government asks of me. And both are private sector demands. Buy both have rules - rules I need to comply with to meet contractual obligations. Society imposes rules - and rightly so - meaning we have claims against government as well as obligations to it. The admin is the corollary of the benefit we get as small businesses from government. Trained people with health care supplied, with pensions supplied, with unemployment risk supplied and much, much more. That's why we have rules.

Then there's planning - NIMBYism is highest in Tory rural areas. And are we to abandon the green belt? Or the right to appeal? Is that what he's saying?

And let's be candid - most government contracts go to big business for a reason - that small business is not national and government is. And scale buys lowest price. Like it or not there are horses for courses. Small business may be able to serve councils - but national government - sorry, not nationally, not often, so these is simply a demand that the cost of public services be increased by abandoning economies of scale.

Canmeron shows three things by making his demand.

First he shows that his priority is ensuring tax revenues are captured for private benefit. I've blogged this before - but we're seeing it everywhere - and especially in the NHS - that Cameron's big idea is to pass the benefit of the public sector to private companies.

This shows the second part of his thinking. He believes private gain is more important than any community gain from commercial activity. So much for the Big Society - he is saying what he's for is Big Profit - at cost to society from poor regulation, a rampant right to demand assets without the right of appeal, and by granting contracts without demanding best value for money - an opportunity for cronyism and abuse if ever we saw one coming.

And finally it says that private ethics matter much more to this man than public ethics - he's saying the public good does not matter. The civil service is not perfect. It's inefficient on occasion. And annoying too. But it does uphold the public good. I think successfully, by and large. But Cameron sets out to undermine them and tell them what they're doing is of no value. We know where his heart lies as a result.

In the wrong place.

In the place where corruption follows.

In the place where exploitation is allowed, and condoned.

Where democracy recedes.

Where business is based on who you know.

That's Cameron's world.

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