One down

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Sir James Crosby has gone.

Now we need Glen Moreno and Sir David Walker to join him on the plank.

Then it's Eric Daniels of Lloyds who yesterday suggested his £2.79 million annual pay was nothing untoward. And who said to the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee yesterday that "I would tell you that we do not do anything other than adhere to the spirit and letter of the law" and "The law is very clear about the amount of tax that we have to pay and we adhere to that strictly." Which is no doubt why HMRC are pursuing them in tribunal for an abuse of the letter, let alone the spirit of the law.

And then there's John Varley of Barclays (don't worry - his bank will need state aid in the end - it's far too dodgy to survive without it) who said "I don't recognise this statement that we have undertaken tax avoidance schemes. What we are required to do as a publicly owned company is to manage our tax affairs efficiently."

Oh yes Mr Varley? Where does it say that? And why are you so widely known as the biggest tax avoider in the field in that case?

And what do they all share in common? A willingness to be completely blind to the truth. A delight in abusive financial structures. A belief in offshore. To put it simply: they have created a make believe world in which they gain. The rest lose but they protect themselves from realising that. They have become so deluded that they really do not know when they are making statements that are so obviously unacceptable to all right minded people.

We can survive this recession. We can't with these people in their current positions.

We can't if their belief system survives.

It takes people to say this to achieve change. In that respect I liked the quote made by HBOS whistle blower Paul Moore:

You can't defeat Goliath with your mouth shut.

Some of us have had our mouths wide open for some time.

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