Of course people are angry: we have totally useless politicians whose sole aim is to destroy government services. Why wouldn’t people be angry?

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There is a very strong feeling of ‘do we have to go through all that again?' At the start of this week.

Last week brought chaos in parliament as anti-Scottish sentiment spread like wildfire amongst those suggesting that the SNP should not never have the right to offer an opinion.

The Tories went full-on Islamophobic and the prime minister has not got the sense to either acknowledge or address the resulting concern.

Labour claimed a victory secured by skulduggery and what looked like the active connivance of the deputy Speaker.

And MPs clutched their rosaries and said how worried they were about their security, as if people being angry about the collective indifference of both Labour and Tory MPs to the plight of ordinary in this country on whom they are collectively willingly to impose misery was totally unexpected.

How many times do we need to witness economic, regional, social and racial prejudice on this scale before the message gets through to the leaderships of these two totally out of touch parties that people have had enough of austerity and abuse from Westminster and want answers that both respect who they are and what they need?

Neither of our leading parties appears to come remotely close to comprehending that the problem with this country is not with its people, but the politics that they seek to impose on them via a system of government that long ago ceased to be remotely democratic and so representative of the feelings of the people they claim to govern.

A perfect example of the arrogance of this attitude from these parties is to be found in a suggestion from George Osborne and Ed Balls, featured in the Guardian today. These two are now best buddies and are suggesting that what is needed now is a twenty year cross-party agreement to deliver a single strategy for growth for the UK.

In other words, they wish to suspend democratic choice.

And as these two between them gave us Bank of England independence and austerity as well as total unpreparedness for two economic crises, in the wake of which they doubled down on the hopes of people even more, what is really on offer is economic despair without an alternative.

What is more, they are so out of touch that growth remains their answer to everything. Climate change never gets a look in.

The crisis that this country has is with its political leadership that self perpetuates its totally arrogant incompetence because two political parties, almost impossible to differentiate on the grounds of philosophy or policy and only slightly differentiated on the grounds of competence, have collectively decided that it is their combined task to deny people in the UK the government services that they need.

As a result, and precisely because markets cannot now prosper in the situation that this denial creates, they have also decided to deny the people of the UK any sense of well-being.

Of course people are angry as a result.

Politicians will react, no doubt, by trying to outlaw anger.

What they need to do is outlaw neoliberal thinking and first-past-the-post elections. Then we might have some hope. Right now, there is remarkably little.

The result is obvious: we will have another week something like the last because that's what those in charge are guaranteeing us, endlessly. As long as they say nothing can change and choice must be denied anger will be inevitable. People want a choice, and if they got it they would go nowhere near what is on offer now. And that's the one thing these egomaniac politicians in Labour and the Tories cannot face.

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