The age old flat tax debate appears to be rearing its ugly head again on this blog. I said most of what I needed to
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The evidence that Oxfam is not avoiding tax is unambiguous
I wrote yesterday about the attack by the Institute of Economic Affairs on Oxfam suggesting that the claim that Oxfam were avoiding tax in two
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A message to HMRC: make paying tax possible
Having arrived back from Washington overnight I am now heading, a little bleary eyed, to Brighton to speak at the PCS Union conference. PCs does,
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Why we can, and why we should now have a wealth tax
This is a summary of my slides on wealth tax for a presentation at the World Bank this morning but they may not represent all
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Oxfam is not a tax avoider
The economically far-right London based Institute for Economic Affairs think-tank, that refuses to disclose its funding and whose prescriptions appear to overly appeal to the
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The World Bank confirms we are at tax war
I am at a conference at the World Bank on tax and development today and tomorrow. Jan Walliser, Vice President, Equitable Growth, World Bank, has
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Self inflicted harm
The Red Box newsletter from The Times notes this morning that: In the EU op-ed tombola, the Telegraph is the winner today and has Osborne
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8,400 words, mid-Atlantic
I hate flying. Not the actual process of taking off and landing that stresses some people: I can frequently sleep through bith of them. No,
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I’m really bored by crass politics
Some have suggested, on this blog and elsewhere, that I do not suffer fools gladly. Maybe that’s true. But don’t read too much into that.
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