
Funding the Future is written and managed by Richard Murphy on behalf of Tax Research LLP.

Funding the Future, Tax Research UK and The Finance Press are all trading names of Tax Research LLP.

Tax Research can be contacted at:

33 Kingsley Walk

+44 (0) 777 552 1797


Appointments and sources of funding

My formal appointments and related funding are as follows:

  • I am part-time Professor of Accounting Practice at Sheffield University Management School. The appointment is for a day a week starting in September 2021. I had previously been a visiting professor at Sheffield University Management School.
  • Through the Corporate Accountability Network, of which I am a director, I am engaged on the Time Mirror research project into the feasibility of sustainable cost accounting at Copenhagen Business School. This project runs for four years, commencing July 2021. The contract is worth approximately £17,000 per annum, not all of which will result in salary payment.
  • Finance for the Future LLP, of which Colin Hines and I are the members, is largely funded by the Polden Puckham Charitable Trust. It pays the LLP £70,000 a year to work on research and education related to the funding of the Green New Deal and related social issues. The income after costs is shared 60% to me and 40% to Colin to reflect respective work input.
  • I direct Tax Research LLP, which is a partnership with Dr Jaqueline Murphy. The main income of the partnership is donations made to fund the work undertaken on the Tax Research UK blog. Those donations to about £10,000 a year at present, but this sum varies, of course. The donations cover all IT costs and video production costs for the blog, plus the cost of eBook production. The remaining funds are then split between the partners with 90% going to me and 10% to Dr Jacqueine Murphy for her work editing and contributing to articles, posts and tweets.
  • I undertake consultancy work on an ad hoc basis for other organisations through Tax Research LLP, and I also receive occasional appearance fees from media companies, which are usually modest. I am paid approximately £360 a month for writing articles for the National newspaper in Scotland: these are accounted for by Tax Research LLP.
  • I am company secretary of the Green New Deal Group Limited, for which I am not now paid a salary.
  • Although I retain a practicing certificate from the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England and Wales my fee income as a chartered accountant is now quite low and only covers the costs of maintaining my registration and there are no plans that it should increase. I do instead plan to give up this activity when commitments to the few remaining clients permits.
  • Any other appointments I have are not remunerated.

Tax Research LLPs most recent accounts are available here. We choose to file much more information on public record than is required by law. A breakdown of its income for each year is included in those accounts.

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