I've been nominated in the Left Foot Forward poll for most influential left wing thinker of 2011/12.
The nomination can be read here. I'm grateful to Eoin Clarke of The Green Benches and Labour Left for nominating me.
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Well deserved.
I have no problem about you being “most influential thinker” for 2011/12 .
And your blog always interests me. It’s the left wing bit I think is going to come back to haunt you. Effective Taxation works by the widest consent. If you get pigeon holed
as a left wing extremist the far right (to use a label) have a ready made excuse to deny tax justice.
Where the heck does “extremist” come from?
Left is left of centre
Not extreme
It’s your fantasy that I’m extreme. You know, being a social democrat is being in the political mainstream unless you’ve fallen off the far right edge
I guess you have
Left wing sems to be automatically tagged as “extremist” nowadays! 🙂 Harold Wilson, regarded as to the right of the Labour party in his day, would probably be regarded as a member of the Militant Tendancy nowadays! 🙂
Too true