Tory madrasa preaches radical message to would-be MPs | Politics | The Guardian .
The Guardian reports:
Tory parliamentary candidates have undergone training by a rightwing group whose leadership has described the NHS as "the biggest waste of money in the UK", claimed global warming is "a scam" and suggested that the waterboarding of prisoners can be justified.
At least 11 prospective Tory candidates, an estimated seven of whom have a reasonable chance of winning their seats, have been delegates or speakers at training conferences run by the Young Britons' Foundation, which claims to have trained 2,500 Conservative party activists.
This is the reality of the libertarian right - openly hostile to humanity at large, embracing abuses of human rights, putting profits before else, contemptuous of the needs of the majority, denying facts when it suits them, seeking to destroy society as we know it, and wishing to make life for most considerably worse than it is now to advance their own enrichment.
That's why I take them on here - and the bogus economics some of them use to support their arguments.
It's why others need to as well.
These people are a threat to the vast majority who live in the UK. And we should say it out loud, time and again.
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What this shows is that the Conservative Party has not really changed. The old caricature of the “Nasty Party” is still there like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
It’s a pity the Guardian didn’t publish the names of the Conservative PPCs – I think it would be useful for voters to know about such things. It would be fascinating to seen YBFs curriculum for their so-called course. How do you train a bigot to become more bigoted?
Hold on. As a matter of fact, the NHS is about the biggest spended of resources in the UK. If we assume that it is of average efficiency then, by virtue of being the largest entity, if you define waste in terms of inefficiency it will be “the biggest waste of money in the UK”.
As for global warming, I really don’t understand why it is an issue. We should all seek to live sustainably because by definition if we do not we are impoverishing our children. Whether in addition you you believe a lot of complicated science upon which it is virtually impossible to form one’s own opinion (unless you are a trained climatologist) seems to me neither here nor there. It’s what you do, not what you believe.
I’m an American Libertarian so am not sure the nuances between British and US varieties, but you miss the whole point of Libertarianism if you reduce it to the positive positions you find unappealing. Libertarianism, like Atheism, is a negative position. To say “There is no Gog in the Theistic sense” does not imply a positive postion. To say force or violence is evil and should be minimised, and certainly not a tool of first choice in the hands of a government, is not to say anything about what other policies should be pursued.
Having said that, I was motivated to write because you sound like a true believer – in many diverse things. I support that. As long as its your dollar and not mine. Is that unreasonable? If it is, then I guess that explains the secular thirty years war we are all engaged in these days. Hopefully tolerance will be rediscovered sometime soon.
@mad foetus
“what you do, not what you believe.”
May I ask how you determine what you do without first determining what you believe? 😯