FT.com / Europe - Bond issue eases pressure on Greece.
Greece won a crucial vote of confidence from financial markets when investors snapped up a government bond issue on Thursday, easing fears that its debt crisis could prevent it from raising money.
Athens sold €5bn in 10-year bonds and received orders for three times that amount.
The UK easily sold a debt issue earlier this week.
The reality is plain to see: there is no debt crisis that need cause us concern. Of course there are issues to deal with, but talk of a crisis is plain nonsense.
Now, let's get on with dealing with the issues and ignore those, like the Tories, who want to create opportunity for speculative profit on the part of bankers and hedge funds at expense to the rest of us.
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Thank goodness for Rcihard’s perceptive comment.
One of the reason why the gap between the rich & poor has grown is the rich read intelligent articles not paper selling detritus
More of them Richard please Reinaldo