My Tax Justice Network colleague, John Christensen presented an important speech to the Royal Geographic Society on 1 September. This received extensive coverage in the
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The wonders of BT
If you think I’ve been quiet, that’s not quite true. I’ve been hopping mad — with British Telecom. As I reported on 25 August, I
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Tax makes you happy
Paul Moloney wrote a good article for the Guardian on 28 August, whilst I was off line. He describes himself as a ‘counselling psychologist’. His
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Moving time
The blog might be quiet for a few days. Tax Research LLP is moving today. The hope is that BT will get broadband on at
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Rattling the cage
Any writer likes to be read. It goes with the patch. So I can’t help but say that it’s been good to note that the
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How Rowntree could have tackled the tax issues of concern
I’ve been in discussion with several people about my post on the Joseph Rowntree’s flat tax report, and have been challenged to say what I
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PWC’s total tax contribution
I gather PWC are promoting their ‘Total Tax Contribution’ framework in Germany and elsewhere. Let me be honest about what I think about this ‘framework’.
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Paranoia, or justifiable concern?
This comes from the only paper in Guernsey. Are they paranoid? I hope not. I think the Revenue are doing just what it says on
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This article is worth reading. I don’t know the author. I strongly sympathise with his sentiments. They are pertinent in the UK at the moment
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