A long standing and senior Jersey politician who I have advised on many occasions made a very odd complaint to me recently. He rather angrily
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Dangerous Ideas in Development ‘Why Are Aid Donors Frightened of Taxation?’
I thought a meeting to be held on Tuesday 24 April 2007 in the Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House, Westminster SW1A 2LW might appeal to some
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Flat tax – definitely not a classic
In view of the previous story I was amused to note that the Hoover press re-issued Hall and Rabushka’s ‘Flat Tax’ book yesterday. Apparently it’s
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When is a flat tax far from flat?
Flat taxes get more absurd by the day, and the injustice they create increases. Take the new Czech proposal as an example. The claim is
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Providing tax advice
I got an email the other day. I won’t reveal the sender’s identity (there is no need). It asked with honest intent: I was wondering,
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The price of limited liability
AccountingWEB have a good article on the tax benefits arising from running a business through a limited company, and how that benefit has changed over
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Downing Street hasn’t got a clue
In February a petition on the domicile rules as they relate to taxation was opened on the 10 Downing Street web site. It said: “We
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Evasion fiscale et pauvret?©
I don’t often dip into French – with good reason – I’ve never had a lesson in the language in my life (which is quite
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The EU is not happy about the domicile rules
The European Commission issued a press release on Friday. I’m usually reluctant to reproduce big chunks of press releases but this one is important: By
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