The Observer seeks to report objectively. As such, as part of their coverage of the domicile rules they gaveJohn Jay, New Star Asset Management’s development
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African Oil and American Foreign Policy
Nick Shaxson, the TJN media officer has a new book out ‘Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil’. He’s talked about it in the
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The scale of the offshore problem
The scale of the offshore problem is graphically shown by an article in the Washington Post. If you don’t see it before, now you’ll see
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What practitioners should do next
My blog on the letter I’ve sent to my clients on the ‘tax amnesty’ has proved popular. Actually, that’s a massive understatement, which simply proves
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Domicile campaign gets serious backing
My focus on the tax amnesty means I have not mentioned the serious backing given to the campaign to rid the UK of the domicile
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Help for the practitioner
I mentioned earlier today that I felt the combined tax institutes advice to their members on how to deal with HMRC’s ‘tax amnesty’ was ‘pathetic’.
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The Channel Island’s respond to the tax amnesty
It’s fascinating to read the response to the UK’s ‘tax amnesty’ in the Channel Islands. Remember, the information the Revenue have got on half a
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The tax institues – making all the wrong choices on the ‘tax amnesty’
I’ve already blogged about my profound disappointment with the response offered by the combined professional tax institutes to HMRC’s offshore tax disclosure scheme. It seems
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The Institutes – failing to live up to expectation on the tax amnesty
I have to be candid, I am appalled by the response of the UK’s tax institute’s to the HMRC offer of reduced tax penalties to
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