Regrets? I have a few, but then, too few to mention

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I made this comment on the post just published on having achieved 100,000 YouTube followers, but then I thought a separate note on the events of the last couple of days might be appropriate. It is very lightly revised here.

Do I regret suggesting that the City conspired to deliver what Musk wants, which is a crisis for Labour? No, I don't, not in the slightest. That's because I think that is what they did.

Using my antennae for real-world political economy, which has proven pretty robust and accurate regarding the City's past activities (tax havens, tax abuse, accounting failures, and more), I think my suggestion stacks up completely.

There is such a thing as 'City opinion'. It is a perceived collective view from which few dare deviate and in accordance with which most act. I think that is happening in this case. They will justify it by saying Musk created a risk to which they have to react. But the outcome is still exactly what he wants, and which they want, in the sense that the City does, rather bizarrely, see Labour as a far-left threat, which shows how out of touch with reality they are.

The cooperation was not illicitly planned. It happened in plain sight and quite legally, but it was there. The outcome will be a crisis that will affect most people in the UK. I don't regret calling that out in real time for a moment.

Some, though, will no doubt say I was too robust with some commentators along the way. So, do I regret that? No, I don't. Why not? Because without exception, they outed themselves as far-right supporters of what might be called the Worstall (search Tim Worstall if you want to find out more, but I wouldn't recommend it as an edifying task) view of this blog after a comment or two, as such people almost invariably do. The robustness was appropriate in that case. Those using financial power to harm people - as I think those creating this crisis in the City are doing - do not command my respect. So, regrets, I have a few, but then too few to mention.

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