How long will it take for the right to tear themselves apart?

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This morning Nigel Farage was making a total fool of himself when supporting Elon Musk's utterly unacceptable comments on Jess Phillips (whether you like her, or not) and in the process implicitly supported Musk's call for the release of the so-called Tommy Robinson.

This afternoon Musk had this to say, the Tweet being accepted as reliable by reputable media sources:

First of all, that's quite funny because quite literally Farage is Reform. He owns and controls it.

Second, it's funny because of the total mess it leaves Farage in.

Third, and more significantly, this reveals the totally shambolic and destructive nature of the politics of the far right in which Farage, Musk, Trump, Reform and so on are engaged.  These people only know about hate, enmity and chaos.

They have no idea what they do want.

They have no policies to offer.

There is, quite literally, no political question to which they have an answer.

But, as much as each of those statements is true, they also know no limits to which they will not go in their desire to destroy, including a willingness to sacrifice each other.

Maybe we should count our blessings that in the case of this fallout between big tech and the far right in the UK the only victim will be Farage, because he has no real power. In the USA, it is going to be very much worse. The descent into chaos may be just as rapid there, but the price will be very much greater.

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