Netanyahu’s attempt to eliminate Palestinians is not just abhorrent; it is also a crime.

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Nesrine Malik has a powerful article in the Guardian this morning in which she discusses the normalisation of the genocide in Gaza, as represented by the multiple standing ovations in the US Congress for Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu last week.

As she notes:

[This normalisation] looks like accepting that there are certain groups of people who can be killed. That it is, in fact, reasonable and necessary that they should die in order to maintain a political system that is built on the inequality of human life. This is what the philosopher Achille Mbembe calls “necropolitics” – the exercising of power to dictate how some people live and how others must die.

Necropolitics creates “deathworlds” where there are “new and unique forms of social existence in which vast populations are subjected to living conditions that confer upon them the status of the living dead”. In those deathworlds the killing of others, and the destruction of their habitat through epic military capabilities whose impact is never experienced by the citizens of the countriesresponsible, confer even more value on the humanity of those in the “civilised” west. They are exempt because they are good, not because they are strong. Palestinians die because they are bad, not because they are weak.

And as she concludes:

The result is a world that feels as if it's in the jarring middle of that transition. Where political events move forward with speed, folding Gaza into the normal. ...

What world emerges after this? The war on Gaza is simply too big, too live, too relentless for its forced normalisation to occur without unintended consequences. The end result is all of humanity degraded; the end result is a world in which when the call comes to aid people in need, no one will be capable of heeding it.

Why refer to this, apart from highlighting the obvious quality of Nesrine Malik's thinking, writing and humanity?

I had four reactions. First, that I am not mad to not accept this situation. None of us should.

Second, my revulsion at Netanyahu's reception is justified.

Third, that this is how fascists work. They want us to accept that the elimination of the ‘other' is normal when in reality it is not just abhorrent; it is also a crime.

And fourth, we need to shout about this. So I am.

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