An introduction to the economic truths series

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I am launching a new video series this morning, on economic truths.

As I note in the video:

Hello, I'm Richard Murphy and I want to introduce a new video series that we're going to be producing on this YouTube channel.

When I asked readers of my Funding the Future blog what they wanted from these videos, the message came back loud and clear that they wanted me to explain some pretty basic economic concepts.

In a sense, they wanted me to myth bust. Now, I didn't like that idea, and I didn't for a very good reason. If you myth bust, you first of all tell people what the myth is, and they remember that, and not why it's wrong. So, that is very definitely the wrong ordering of events when it comes to producing videos.

So, instead, I want to talk about the opposite of myths. I want to talk about truths.

This series is going to be about economic truths. Those things that are actually, in a sense, glaringly obviously correct, and which need to be understood and yet, which the mainstream media, commentators, politicians, and others, all seem to get wrong on a persistent basis, meaning that we are toldcomplete nonsense, on much of the news, and on radio, and in our mainstream press.

So, I will be creating a whole series of videos. There are over forty titles sketched out at present - and that list will grow - addressing these truths that I think people need to understand about how our economy works so that you can put other people right or just shout at the television and say “You got that wrong.”

Whichever way you want to go, this series is going to be for you if you want to understand what is true about our economics.

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