The hopes of the world will rest on the Democrat candidate, whoever they might be now

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Biden has gone.

I am relieved. I could not see anyway he could beat Trump. He was simply too infirm to be a credible candidate for US President.

So too is Trump, but then he is not a candidate to be US President. He is seeking to stage a coup to overthrow the US system of government whatever the result, all based on a neo-fascist personality cult intended to deliver an autocratic, Christian-nationalist, anarcho-capitalist regime (and yes, it is the internal contradictions and conflicts that will kill his regime if that attempt is made).

The question now is who can defeat this attempt to end US democracy (such as it is), the rule of law in the US and the rights of hundreds of millions, including every US woman?

Let me be clear, I do not know the answer to that question. Whether it is Kamala Harris, I cannot be sure. I know her knowledge of economics appears pretty weak. Her advantage is association with incumbency.

What I do know is that whoever gets the task will have the hopes of much of the world resting on them. What we also know is that the risk they will be taking on - by challenging Trump, who believes in his deluded state that a god of his own creation is on his side - will be significant.

Go well, is the best I can wish them, whoever they might be.

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