Labour could change the UK for (almost) nothing

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I have published this video this morning. In it, I argue that Labour governments have a long history of changing this country with measures that cost the government very little or nothing at all. In a new video series – which will go on for some time – I am going to suggest how Labour might do that now. It's time to be positive about the changes that Labour could deliver without any arguments about economics.

The audio version of this video is here:

The transcript is:

Labour could change the UK.

I know I've criticised Labour a lot of late, and with good reason, because I don't believe in its economic policies. But it is a new government. It should be made up of people with conviction who want to change UK society for the better. So, I'm going to produce a whole series of videos - there could be up to 30 of them, according to the list I've got at present - that will talk about what Labour could do now to make the UK better.

This is a completely positive series. It is about suggesting change that could be delivered for the UK. And at almost no cost.

That is particularly important. Labour says it hasn't got any money. It's only a year or so ago that the person who is now leader of the House of Commons actually claimed there was no money left. Well, if that's true, I'm still saying Labour could change the UK and its society. And it could do so by changing the law in so many areas and changing the narrative about the way we look at things.

Labour has a strong track record in this area. Let's be clear about that. Earlier governments have done major changes at remarkably little cost. In the 1960s, Harold Wilson delivered change to abortion law. He made abortion legal. There was no cost to that change.

He ended the illegality of homosexuality. There was no cost to that change. These were massive signals of a change in society.

In the 1970s, Labour delivered massive equalities legislation for women on equal pay and on the rights within marriage. And again, those changes delivered massive changes in society.

In 1997, or soon afterwards, Labour delivered the National Minimum Wage. They were told they would create a disaster for the UK economy. It didn't happen. The UK economy grew instead. There was a major change in the way that employment had to take place in this country.

So, there are precedents for Labour making changes at low cost, which have a significant impact on our society.

Now, I'm not pretending that everything I'm going to recommend is on the scale of the issues I've just mentioned, because most of them aren't. The point is, there are lots of changes that Labour could make that could really make life better, and make society work better, and remove many of the logjams that exist inside that society at present, which are holding people back.

That's what I want to talk about in this series.

And what I'm delivering is a message of hope, that this government could really change this country for the better, even if it does think that there is no money left. And isn't that something that we should want them to do? Isn't that something that they should want to do?

I hope so. And that's precisely why I'm making this entirely solution focused, positive series of recommendations in this video series. I hope you watch it.

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