This damning indictment of Sir Keir Starmer was published by Channel 4 News last night:
What is made clear is that Starmer was an authoritarian Director of Public Prosecutions, seeking harsh sentences for trifling offences.
He was an austerian, willingly delivering the cuts the Tory government that he served demanded.
Like his Tory masters, he was willing to undermine the quality of public services for the sake of cash. The public suffered, and still suffers, as a result.
And the supposedly left-wing lawyer was not to be seen.
You have been warned.
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Thank you for the warning, but what should one do about it? If someone warns me about bad weather, I reschedule unnecessary journeys or allow more time.
Do not vote for him?
Eagleton’s book “The Starmer Project” contains all the gory details, showing Starmer to be a mini-me Theresa May, without the humanity (go figure). The book also illustrates his Iago-like route to power in Labour, twisting and turning. Interesting that neither Tory/LINO is capable of selecting a leader that has human qualites – or retained them, I have no doubt Starmer had human qualities (empathy) once – however these have gone. Sunak’s evaporated as he got rich. Power & money – the ultimate solvents with respect to morals.
Adding, missed from the video is the role as DPP that starmer played in failing to bring timely prosecution against assorted Murdoch newspapers for phone hacking. Indeed, he sat on prima-facia evidence for THREE years until the avalanche of civil cases plus media forced him to act in mid2012.
Starmer was then censured by a parliamentary committee for failure to act, The DPP was censured by a parliamentary committee – & yet he is a fit & proper person to be PM. In the video, Starmer warbles on about victims – well the phone hacking people were victims – but he does not seem to give a stuff about them. The media, in theory, is part of what passes for the democratic system in the UK. You would think that when the media commits a series of crimes, the DPP would do something about it. Not under Starmer. Shortly after becoming DPP he had a private lunch with Brooks , the Sun editor. Readers are free to join up the dots.
He appears to me to be :-
A human rights lawyer who undermines human rights.
An internationalist who undermines international law.
A front bench spokesman who undermines his front bench.
A “friend” who undermines the meaning of friendship.
A leader who reneges on the words he uses (to become leader).
A man who has pursued an undercover agenda from the start.
A man who clearly believes that the end justifies the means (and that only he, and a small number of confederates should know what the end is).
A man who has gathered around him the sharp of tongue and elbow.
What has happened to the Labour Party, what has it become? A party of dreams and hope has become racist and mean.
As Yeats said “I being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams”
Power without dreams of a fairer society for all and without integrity is totalitarian power.
Much to agree with
A fine summary.
Basically Starmer is a nihilist.
And when “the ends justify the means” * but those ends are power for its own sake, without definition or purpose, and deliberately so, then the only possible outcome is authoritarianism serving the ego and whims of the leader.
Hannah Arendt might have had something to say about that mindset.
* The opposite and Tolstoyan belief that ‘the means are the ends’, has a long history. and carries all sorts of ethical complications. My own awareness of this was much influenced and formed by the writings of Alexander Herzen as a young adult.
It is what finally split Marxism, as authoritarian socialism, from anarchist libertarian socialism, at the 2nd International, though Bakunin did not disavow violence.
We all know how the “dictatorship of the proletariat” ended.
Hello tony. So glad to find someone extolling the virtues of Alexander Herzen. Not only as a ‘political’ writer but as a profoundly loving and good human being. Sorry if that sounds weird , but I remember twenty years ago reading his ‘My Past and Thoughts’ and as I got closer to the end of the book I realised that he would not be writing anymore, so I deliberately just read one page a night so that I could keep his thoughts going longer. Whatever I say cannot be equal to the brilliance of his ideas and hopes and they still have relevance to our problems today.
The C4 news piece barely scratched the surface.
Recommend “The Starmer Project” highly for a detailed biography.
Understand the man.
It is not a fairy tale.
Reminded me of Deutsche’s Stalin biography, in how the man evolved.
I posted some months ago on here, having read it on publication – if 50% of Eagleton’s book is true (and it is well referenced), then Labour has been taken over by an authoritarian, and the left (including me) have lost. I suspect most of the book is accurate.
Very scary – how have we come to this? The Fiaza Shaheen dumping( without due process was the final confirmation for me – misogyny, racism
You have hit the nail on the head
I couldn’t vote for Keir Starmer; his eyes are too close together.
All the rest is incidental ……. and to be expected. And likely to get worse in office.
Rikki Sunak? A multimillionaire who always looks as if he’s wearing someone else’s trousers? No. I couldn’t vote for him either.
Lib Dem leader? I don’t even know who that is. I remember Jeremy Thorpe and he was dead-shifty and Nick Clegg was…… well….. what can one say?