A disaster foretold

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This looks to me like a disaster foretold. It is the result of a large opinion poll for the Telegraph, published yesterday:

Why might this outcome be a disaster?

Because there is no evidence that Labour is competent to govern.

In contrast there is a great deal of evidence that it will be at least as bad as the Tories. It is as dedicated to neoliberal austerity as they are, and as for ideas, it appears to have none

But there is more to this than that.

Where will the Opposition be in a parliament like this?

How will scrutiny of government legislation happen - except in the Lords?

How, even, can the House of Commons committee system operate with so few MPs?

Democracy depends upon accountability, opposition and the reconciliation of differing ideas. That will be absent in a parliament with a result such as this.

In  itself that paves the way, when Labour fails, as it inevitably will given its current plans, for fascism.

And yes, I do so the forthcoming Labiur government crashing and then burning just as Boris Johnson's did.

I am very, very worried about the risk to democracy, effective government and the need for alternative opinion in this country if an outcome like this were to happen.

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