In a land not that far from here, which many people in this country have visited, there is a genocide going on. Millions of people
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Plaid Cymru: not frightened to share its ambition, unlike some
The major political parties’ manifesto continue to roll. Labour grabbed the most attention yesterday, but Plaid Cymru also issued its manifesto, and I have taken
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There is a magic money tree
In my short video this morning, I argue that any politician who says there is no magic money tree is not telling the truth. There is.
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Why do we give small companies a free tax ride in the UK?
My video this morning notes that HM Revenue & Customs reckons more than 30 per cent of all tax owing by small UK limited companies
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The demise of politics as we have known it has been foretold
Thursday was another almost relentlessly depressing day in this dreadful election campaign. Labour presented  an election manifesto that delighted in saying nothing new whilst
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