I don't by any means always agree with Paul Krugman, but that does not mean he cannot be right. Excepting his understatement of the risk from long Covid in here he has the rest spot on:
And remember, we are in the same boat. Only in the UK the extremists are in power and are already taking away your power to protest about it.
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COP was held in the wrong country – the UK – where stupidity enabled by big money rules the roost. And also one of the countries where ‘climate change’ will apparently have less impact.
The way in which the COP was ran – mostly as a corporate event – tells you all you need to know about how global warming is being dealt with. But this is also tells you that our democracy has ceased to function.
In the end – like 2008 – Government’s will have to start to do something more drastic – I’m quite sure of it. Whether it will be too late or enough has yet to be seen. I have no confidence in them. What can you say about a country that allows vehicles that break EU emissions and standards to be sold to people (just read Which? magazine).
It’s very simple though. The warming of the planet is going to melt a lot of ice and it can only mean rising sea levels and a more wet climate.
The market’s answer apparently is just to give us a car whose wiper blades start automatically when the window screen detects rain. Eventually they might fit cars with propellers and make them amphibious. And those 4x4s are higher to drive through floods etc., and make people feel invincible. Palliative after palliative in the pursuit of a dream.
But nothing really to get at the source of the problem.
I have just been to lunch with my family. I am apparently the opinionated one. I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine. But I just took issue with the fact that two sons of my brother’s employer were given roles that might not be available to someone without that connection. He just queried what would I do in the same circumstances. I would not have this as a possibility – no where in the animal kingdom does the system work this way – only in the human world. Not body in my family is “looking up” – they will only do so when it is far too late – it is frustrating as I have “tried” in the words of the film to point out what is going on but they just don’t want to hear. It is me that is the problem for disrupting the continuum of acceptance of what ever power will permit us to have. I am fed up with this attitude – it almost seems like an effort to silence me – to make me the weirdo – when I know that I am not. What chance to catch people’s attention with such blinkered vision!?
Pob, I have long believed that a lot of people believe what they want to believe. It’s almost as though they feel comfortable just accepting the given wisdom because everyone else does, rather than sitting back and thinking through what it is that you are saying.
If we take the issue of the EU. a debate that was never had, but two sides convinced the each was absolutely right, and one that will never be resolved because each has such entrenched positions that they only see what they want to from their perspective. On the one hand the Brexiteers just want out because they think we regain control of our sovereignty and the ‘fear’ of being overwhelmed by immigrants. On the other hand we have the remainers who are rightly concerned about the immediate impact of coming out of Europe, but either don’t know or forget about the very real situation regarding the trade imbalances within the EU and that each country unlike Britain does have to raise taxation in order to fund public expenditure.
These two complex issues could be addressed if we had a mass media dedicated to arriving at the truth, but as it suits them to allow confusion and outright prejudice to reign unchecked, these prejudices will continue, allowing those with a vested interest to keep the argument going,
The question often raised in radical quarters, is, “where is the outrage to all the corruption and complete mismanagement of the country, let alone the economy”. The answer is also quite simple, people haven’t been programmed by the media to get exited about it. Which is also why the mass media hate the social media, because it can break through and why movements like 38 degrees and Momentum were vilified.