I am working like fury on a new academic paper right now, which is taking virtually all my attention. As a working paper it may be out quite quickly, but it also means blog output may be low for a day or two. And given it is on accounting (quite radical accounting thinking, but accounting nonetheless) I suspect few will be interested in it.
Please accept my apologies.
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I know how you feel!
Good luck with it and I look forward to reading it one day. I’m sure we all do.
It is actually going together really well so far….but then, not even my co-author has seen it as yet. I may be in fir a rude awakening when others do so
Keep going, Richard. After all, life itself typically proves something of a ‘rude awakening’. Radical thinking is what we need. Whether it works or not is less important than making the effort; if we are not trying to discover something fresh and illuminating – what is the point in sitting in front of a blank sheet of paper; surely not just to regurgitate received wisdom?
I have enjoyed my day
I am just annoyed I have not seen the issue I am exploring before now. It has been hiding in plain sight, as things so often do
Like the saddo I am I would be quite interested in reading it.
Give it time
It is radical
Yes, I’m also looking forwards to reading it too. Great stuff Richard
Furious writing has resulted in a first draft just heading to my principle co-author
I love such days but I am knackered now
Keep pounding away furiously, Richard. I’m sure that many are looking forward to cracking a perusal of it out in a spare 20 minutes one day.
I think it’s amazing that you can get an academic paper written in a couple of days!
It’s a working paper, not the full blown thing, as yet
I am awaiting this with great anticipation….I have a strong feeling it will interlock with my stuff on banking and monetary system redesign, especially in the matter of credit risk management.
Not this time Jim
Not explicitly, anyway
The paper focuses more on causes of corporate failure
I just find it astounding that you can do all the study, research and analysis necessary to produce an academic paper in little more than a weekend!
I didn’t
The thinking took a long time
The reading accumulated
The writing took nit that long
6,000 words
Good stuff, I’m sure the world will be a better place for it.
I have to say, mind you, I really enjoy your blog and look forward to normal service returning.
Well done for getting your radical thoughts on paper. I suspect you may be like the late playwright Dennis Potter who quickly wrote such good stuff. He concealed the speed in case people valued it less or indeed paid him less for it.
I hope the paper goes well, that it is well received and sparks lively and productive response.
As always, I’m in awe of your work output and look forward to reading your blogs when you’re ready to continue with them.
It wasn’t much of an intermission – I had just sat down with my popcorn and ice-cream and it all started up again. But I did have a minute or two to reflect on the nature of serious blogging and it struck me that what goes on here ties in with a distinction Anand Giridharadas makes early in his book “Winners Take All”.
Quoting Daniel Drezner he suggests there are two kinds of thinkers: the public intellectual and the ‘Thought Leader’. Both want to discuss important ideas and influence an audience. One speaks truth to power, the other sugar coats the message so as not to upset “the plutocrats who sponsor so much intellectual production”. Their message is: yes things need to change, but not in a way that changes things for the “winners” who are at the root of the problems they say they want to change.
The corrupt bunch of elites masquerading as Tory politicians talk about change – the Big Society (Vote for Change), we’re all in this together, the Northern Powerhouse, Levelling up, Build Back Better – but in reality nothing will change for the rich and powerful. The usual suspects will get the multi-million pound contracts no questions asked, challenge will be met with new laws or Ministerial fiat, cronies will be appointed to important positions, troublesome institutions will be emasculated etc etc.
We all look forward to normal service being resumed and the continuation of truth being told to power.