Alok Sharma: the only trick question being asked is why is he business secretary, to which there is no known answer

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Alok Sharma is (quite rightly) being widely criticised by journalists for suggesting that it is unfair for broadcasters to ask ministers to explain details of coronavirus restrictions. (See 10.01am.) Here are some of the comments he's attracting on Twitter.

From Laura Kuenssberg, the BBC's political editor

Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak)

Not sure it really flies to say it's a 'gotcha' question to expect govt ministers to know what the rules are that they are asking millions of people to follow

September 30, 2020

From Jason Groves, the Daily Mail's political editor

Jason Groves (@JasonGroves1)

Business Sec Alok Sharma accuses media of 'gotcha' journalism for asking ministers the details of Covid laws they are imposing on people. Pathetic

September 30, 2020

From Nick Robinson, the Today presenter

Nick Robinson (@bbcnickrobinson)

I don't think the producers of Pointless will be too worried about the competition. Believe it or not we ask questions to get the answers not to prove that politicians don't know them

September 30, 2020

From the Daily Mirror's Dan Bloom

Dan Bloom (@danbloom1)

Alok Sharma has said asking Boris Johnson to know the regulations in the North East was "one of those 'gotcha' questions".

Try using that excuse with police who are issuing you with a fine!

September 30, 2020

From Bloomberg's Emily Ashton

Emily Ashton (@elashton)

Alok Sharma suggesting on Radio 4 that ministers being asked about details of Covid restrictions is like a "quiz show" - not a good look

September 30, 2020

From LBC's Theo Usherwood

Theo Usherwood (@theousherwood)

The last time a political party deployed the "it's not a quiz show" line to straight forward questions they couldn't answer was when Diane Abbott failed to explain how Labour would employ more police officers.

That's the territory the Government appears to occupy right now.

September 30, 2020

From openDemocracy's Caroline Molloy

CarolineJMolloy (@carolinejmolloy)

The arrogance of this from Alok Sharma is astonishing, particularly given how disingenuous and evasive government press departments have become lately.

What next? “No, we won't have parliamentary questions, it's not a quiz show?”

September 30, 2020

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