I seek to make full disclosure of my main sources of income and conflicts of interest.
I am now engaged, in addition to my other tasks, as a lecturer at Copenhagen Business School. The appointment is solely to permit me to examine students here, and will be very modestly remunerated and merely for the hours involved in that one task.
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Any insights into how they think over there would be welcome when you have the time of course.
Wow, that sounds like a real recognition of your accomplishments. What subjects will you be examining the students on?
I am examining a part of the Masters in Taxtion
Which particular area of the taxation syllabus are you responsible for ? I’m assuming it is an area where you have particular first hand experience ?
I am examining the processes of change within international taxation. I do have experience in it.
I think a senior role awaits you as a consultant at HMRC, Richard, sooner or later.
I think HMRC will cease to exist shortly after Brexit.
The Magistrates will give short schrift to your newly claimed alias Mr Turpin. My regards to Black Bess and your accomplice Mr Hood.
ps keep up the good work
Denmark is an excellent place to observe the rest Europe from, a really interesting country…with great pastries and lots of Hygge, enjoy!
Got back late last night…