Wanted: some decent politicians

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It would have been entirely possible to think that yesterday's 'altercation' between UKIP MEPs was just typical of that party. And to some extent it does fit UKIP's current image of an organisation riven with bewildered, purposeless, infighting with an added physical edge in a party that even some within it yesterday admitted was too inclined towards violence.  Unfortunately that won't do though. The reality is that this fight was indicative of three things.

The first is bewilderment across the political classes post the Brexit vote. Even UKIP does not know how to deal with the consequences of something they never really thought was going to happen and where the reality is already far from the myth of the utopian land of milk and honey that they created. UKIP is just revealing the stress a little more than most.

Second it is indicative of a rapidly declining willingness to cooperate in politics. This is not just a problem for UKIP. It very obviously afflicts Labour too. But that's not all: the LibDems are still very obviously divided along Orange Book lines whilst even the Greens have divisions on just what being green means. The Greens have, however, managed to contain these divisions, as have the Tories to date. But I do seriously wonder how long that will last in the Conservative's case. The EU has always been their fault line. Now it is the only issue left for them I really do lack confidence in their ability to contain their differences, even whilst knowing that this is the ultimate party of compromise to gain power. My suspicion is that well before 2020 they too will succumb to outright hostilities.

Third, what is so obvious is how low is the quality of politician we now have. Theresa May is hardly a political giant. Jeremy Corbyn and Tim Farron are not (and it's fair to include Farron: an even smaller Liberal grouping once included Jo Grimond, a giant of a politician). The Greens are fortunate to have Caroline Lucas. UKIP Seem only to produce rogues of varying appeal. And behind these people are teams of what might best be described as indifferent quality in most cases when compared to those who have hold positions of political authority in the past. We have politicians who lack authority, experience, ideas and even basic political skills such as leadership, listening, intellectual capacity or curiosity, negotiating ability, the willingness to compromise when necessary and charisma.

All of which worries me.

We're in a mess. The current political scene is not characterised by a minor altercation. It's a pretty big hole. And I have no real confidence that many of those tasked with getting us out of it are equipped with anything more than a spade, and are still digging as a result.

We need same ladder builders. I am just not sure where they are.

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