If Theresa May is serious she should start by reforming HMRC

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If Theresa May is serious about the reforms she announced yesterday then she could prove it very easily by starting with a radical overhaul of HMRC.

If government can transform lives by providing a service no one else can deliver then she needs to provide enough staff at HMRC so it can really do its job.

If she wants workers on boards then HMRC's staff need to be represented on its Board.

If she wants to send a message to big business she should stop the Board of HMRC being the representatives of big business alone.

If she's really after tax cheats she needs an HMRC Board made up of people who think that's their job.

If she wants to stop organisations being run for the interests of management she needs to demand that HMRC prepare a proper estimate of the tax gap that does not have as its sole aim the flattery of senior management.

And if she believes in a level playing field for all business then she has to adopt the recommendations I have made for identifying tax cheats in the UK economy that her party have always opposed in the past.

It's really quite easy to tell if she is serious or not. If HMRC is told to do a proper job we will know. If it carries on with its current senior management who are far too cosy with big business and who fail to set targets in the interests of society as a whole and who treat their employees with contempt we will,know she is not.

Over to you Mrs May. Are you going to really walk the talk?

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