I was asked in a comment on this blog last night how my new book is going. The timing was good because the substantive edits
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Why is the UK so intent on giving North Sea oil revenues away?
New analysis of the UK’s North Sea oil and gas suggests that the combination of tax giveaways by the government, and aggressive avoidance by multinationals,
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COFFERS: the next three years of my research
Every now and again I have to provide new information on my sources of funding as these change over time. Another change is now imminent.
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Was the Fed listening?
I was pleased to note the FT reporting this morning that:The good news is that an appropriate message is being delivered to the Fed. Federal
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The USA does not want to partake in mutual administrative assistance on tax matters.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development issued a press release in Paris this afternoon saying: 25/08/2016 — In a ceremony at OECD Headquarters in
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The definition of a nightmare scenario
Has the US declared tax war on Europe?
It’s gat’s off this morning to the Tax Justice Network who have published a long analysis of a new memo published by the US Treasury
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HMRC’s hopes of high quality data from tax havens may be in vain
According to an HMRC press release issued yesterday that announced new obligations on tax evaders if they were to avoid tax geared penalties of up
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Time to get rid of the Scottish Limited Partnership
Oxfam has been making some appropriate noise over the last few days on the international tax abuses that are being hidden from view behind Scottish
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