I had a phone call with Centrica’s finance director yesterday, followed by a mail. This followed my suggestion in a blog yesterday that: And this
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When will the anger spill over?
Paul Mason has written an insightful piece for Channel 4 and the New Statesman in which he does two things. First he more than justifies
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Paying the living wage could increase employment
Howard Reed has a new report out for Unison on the living wage. In the interests of full disclosure I should mention Howard and I
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Comments – boringly, and yet again
I try to be generous on the comments policy on this blog. But right now my generosity is being abused and the comments space is
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If Justin King thinks Sainsbury’s should not tax avoid perhaps he should explain its tax haven subsidiaries
The Times has reported: [Justin King,] the head of Sainsbury’s, has lambasted fellow business leaders for failing to treat tax avoidance as a moral issue
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Jersey jails a blogger for blogging what it admits might be the truth
As the Guardian report this morning: Jersey’s former health minister has been sentenced to three months in prison after refusing to take down articles on
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The sell out of Britain to global corporations: the process goes on
George Monbiot has what I think to be an accurate and frightening price in the Guardian this morning under this headline: As he argues: The
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Until we demand full accounts for the UK from the Big 6 energy companies we will have no idea what they’re doing here
I was quite heavily featured on Channel 4’s Dispatches programme on the Big 6 energy companies last night. You can watch again here. Preparing a
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Is the EU at the root of our tax problems?
I’m inherently at heart pro-Europe. As a passport holder of two EU states, and as someone who appreciates the right to movement that it delivers,
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