Tax justice – are you serious?

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Tax Justice - Are you serious?

Jointly organised by Action Aid, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Tax Justice Network & War on Want

Monday, 25 November 2013 from 10:30 to 17:00 (GMT)

London, United Kingdom

With a great line up of speakers & panellists this promises to be a day that will make you think seriously about tax justice.

Speakers & panellists include:

Margaret Hodge MP - Chair of the UK Public Accounts Committee, Richard Brooks - Private Eye, Andrew Masiye - Activista Zambia, John Christensen - Tax Justice Network, Alex Cobham - Centre for Global Development, Rosa Curling - Leigh Day, Tim Dixon - Purpose, Martin Drewry - Health Poverty Action, Rich Hawkins - PIRC, John Hilary - War on Want, David Hillman - Robin Hood Tax Campaign, Polly Jones - World Development Movement, Government of Jersey representative, David McNair - Save the Children, Richard Murphy - Tax Research UK, Louise Rouse - Share Action, Professor Prem Sikka - University of Essex, Michelle Stanistreet - National Union of Journalists...

This past year has seen a momentous shift in public and political perception of the issue of tax fairness.

Tax, who pays it and who doesn't, has come to be the social and economic issue of the moment. And with good reason. Tax dodging is now a scandal in the minds of the public and politicians alike:

"Individuals and businesses must pay their fair shareDavid Cameron in his speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos in January this year.

Having already had huge tranches of public money shifted from public goods and services to bail out banks guilty of reckless lending; people have witnessed exposé after exposé of large multinationals and wealthy individuals refusing to pay back into the common weal and scorning their basic civic duty to pay a fair share of tax. People across the globe find themselves trapped in poverty while rich multinationals and individuals get away with not paying what they owe.

People are angry - it's time to build on this anger.

In the past month a number of organisations and individuals have been discussing how we can convert the peaks of media and public outrage at tax avoidance into a strong, grassroots and citizen-led movement call for tax justice that this and future Governments cannot ignore.

This event is an opportunity to join with other organisations, activists and thinkers, to hear from tax justice pioneers and critics, and to ask the hard questions and debate the tough issues.

Join us for the Tax dodging ‘Tax Justice — Are you serious?' forum. Book here


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