As many readers of this blog will know I have been involved in the Tax Justice Network since its foundation. Of late I helped its reorganisation that has lead to the Tax Justice Network become a more focused research organisation with the campaigning work with which it has been associated in the past being taken over by a new NGO lead organisation called the Global Alliance for Tax Justice.
Having completed that reorganisation it's now been agreed that there is little reason for my continuing formal involvement with TJN. Our separate research has complementary but clearly different focuses of attention, mine being more UK centric and technically focused whilst TJN's continues to have a stronger focus on development related issues and the specific impact tax havens and illicit financial flows have on developing countries.
We have also now become aware that my involvement in TJN has caused some confusion between these focuses of attention and who is responsible for what work and that has not always been helpful. As such we've agreed that from now on I will have no formal role within the Tax Justice Network and will not speak for it in future.
That decision has also been precipitated by considerable demands on my time over the last few months that have arisen as a result of the serious illness of a close relative. As a result of those demands I have been advised that I should reduce my work commitments and have accepted that try as I might I have little choice but agree, and on reflection it is my involvement with the Tax Justice Network that has to go.
Having said that I will continue to support its work, draw attention to it when appropriate and hope it achieves all its aims, which I support. But, if you now need to speak to TJN about an issue relating to its work they are definitely the people to speak to in the future, and not me.
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Every best wish to you at what is clearly a difficult time. Vital that the battle is joined on flushing out the villains in the tax-havens -and that it’s done by people like you who know what they are talking about and where/what/how the loot is buried. Good luck.
Loved ones must almost come first so well done for recognising that….and best wishes, no, bugger it, love to the person suffering.
Issues with funding?
Yes, funders wanting clarity on roles
Not unreasonable, I’d say
Sorry to hear of the health issues affecting your family, Richard. I wish you strength and well being during this period and ongoing thanks for all your work.
Was TJN the primary teat?
Surely there is funding elsewhere as well.
My funding from TJN has been a small part of my income since 2009
Richard, I’m sorry to learn of the serious health issues of a member of your family. I hope with your help and support, he or she makes a full recovery.
Give it a few months yet and we’ll know more on that
Just curious, what sort of haul do TJN director(s) rake in per annum?
Thinking low, but could be wrong.
My income in the last year from TJN was £6,000
I think John Christensen’s was £40,000
Kyle, your comments speak more to your concerns than Richard’s. Show some humanity for goodness sake.