Tax Us If You Can – Second edition

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To celebrate the Tax Justice Network's tenth anniversary next month, it's published a second edition of its very first publication, tax us if you can, which you can download in PDF format here.

Tax us if you can provides an introduction to TJN's core themes.  Starting with an overview of the concept of tax and tax justice, it goes on to explore the root causes of tax injustice, identifies the key players who benefit from tax injustice and the agencies that aim to address these issue, and introduces some of the key policy solutions we advocate for. Tax us if you can also includes an invaluable glossary which runs to over 20 pages.

Much has changed since TJN published the first edition in 2005.  The financial crisis has exposed the structural weaknesses of public finances across the world, ushering in austerity programmes that are rapidly widening existing inequalities.  Tax competition pressures are building up, accelerating the race-to-the-bottom on corporate tax payments.  Wealth continues to concentrate in the hands of a tiny minority who hold their wealth offshore in tax havens.  It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the situation is deteriorating, but tax us if you can provides rays of hope, not least since politicians are reacting to our demands for change, and TJN offers coherent solutions to many of the problems posed by tax havens and tax competition.

Co-authored by Richard Murphy and John Christensen this second edition includes Jim Henry's estimates of The Price of Offshore Revisited and lists tax havens/secrecy jurisdictions that fail to achieve an opacity score of 60 or under.  It also provides updated commentaries on recent initiatives by the OECD, the European Union and the United Nations.

This edition of tax us if you can is published electronically in PDF format, and TJN has also ordered a print run of 5,000 hard copy editions.  If you would like to order copies of the printed edition please contact TJN by email at, putting 'tax us if you can' in the email subject line.

NB: reposted from TJN with permission

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