Caroline Lucas shows the way on #olsx

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Great letter from Caroline Lucas in the Observer this morning.

I am sure many in the Labour Party will wonder what it is that's stopping Labour taking her position:

Ed Miliband's article was an object lesson in mealy-mouthed prevarication. On the one hand, he acknowledges that the protesters pose a challenge to politics to close the gap between their values and the way the country is run. On the other, he dismisses their "long list of diverse and often impractical proposals".

I should love to know which he finds most "impractical": their call for an end to global tax injustice, or perhaps their proposal that our democratic system should be free of corporate influence? Or maybe it's their support for the student demonstrations this week, or the strikes planned for 30 November?

Until he can demonstrate which side Labour is on, Miliband's assertion that "the Labour party speaks to that crisis and rises to the challenge" will remain hollow rhetoric.

Indeed, the real challenge that the occupiers present to politicians like Miliband is that they are staging the debate that mainstream parties have been studiously avoiding since the economic crisis started — the question of how to completely refocus the values and goals of our economic system, rather than trying to get back to business as usual as fast as possible.

I was proud to have been asked to address the Occupy rally in London last weekend, and proud to be able to say the Green party stands fully behind their goals. It's a pity that Labour can't do the same.

Caroline Lucas

MP for Brighton Pavilion

Leader, Green party

Disclosure: I have co-authored with Caroline.

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