This is from the USA:
The reality is that similar choices have been made in the UK.
That's why the top 1% of income earners in the UK have the lowest overall tax rates in the UK.
That's why it is absolutely right to say that inequality is a choice.
It's the choice George Osborne has opted for.
It's why the Tories don't deserve power here nor the Republicans in the USA.
We have the choice to stop inequality. It's one we need to make.
Hat tip for video: Ian Fraser
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“That’s why the top 1% of income earners in the UK have the lowest overall tax rates in the UK.”
Where does this stateemnt comes from?
The last income distribution table I looked at, showed that the highest income individuals (over £200,000) paid 34% in tax, double the rate of a tax payer at £30,000?
Research by Sally Ruane and David Byrne in here
Sorry, you rely on research you wrote?!?!
The research in question was by some of the other authors
But what is wrong with relying on your own research?
Is everything you do wrong?
No but what (I assume) you are trying to do is present figures in an objective manner to prove a point. This is not done by quoting yourself, or research you worked on.
That would be like you being tried for fraud and then writing the laws on fraud and then acting as the judge.
That is a quite ludicrous comment – have you never read an academic paper? Of course you are allowed to quote yourself