From John Kay in the FT this morning: Show me the person who has actually read the “important information” you must understand before entering the
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Swiss UK tax deal falling apart – thankfully
I have strongly criticised the deal the UK is proposing to enter into with Switzerland so that Swiss banks would collect a flat tax payment from their tax evading
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Public-private pay gap widest in 10 years
As no doubt every paper will note, the gap between pay in the public and private sectors is now the widest in ten years according
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Jersey’s peer review shows it to be very far from the transparent place it claims to be
The latest draft copy of Phase 2 of Jersey’s Peer Review on Exchange of Information (EOI) by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information
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Prem Sikka on accounting and human rights
Prof Prem Sikka is giving the opening welcoming address at the Tax Justice Network conference at Essex University. His theme is accounting and human rights.
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Tell S&P where to go
As anticipated Standard & Poors have said that sensible measures to roll over Greek debt constitute a default using its absurd rules based logic. The
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TJN conference day
In general I don’t do excitement. I, at best, look forward to things, and don’t go over the top when they go well, by and
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My new book – ‘The Courageous State: Rethinking economics and the role of government’
Having just put up a blog saying I’m the forthcoming author of a book with the above title I really think it time to mention
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Wednesday afternoon, 4pm, Palace of Westminster, for those who want a lively debate
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Economics, Money and Banking cordially invites you to a panel discussion on The Future of Political Economy with Richard
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