From yesterday’s Jersey Evening Post:
The States [of Jersey] paved the way for a Jersey internet gambling industry yesterday when Members unanimously approved the establishment of a Gambling Commission.
Following the landmark decision, a debate on e-gaming legislation will be held next year. Such legislation would enable people to tap into a new industry of websites running online gambling services, such as online poker and sports betting sites.
Senator Maclean said that the commission would also be a consultative and advisory body which would have a social responsibility to protect people from gambling addiction.
This really is desperation: Jersey, like most secrecy jurisdictions, knows that online gambling can cause harm. But it’s going to do it anyway.
Which just about sums up the mentality of offshore abuse.
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Not sure I agree with that Richard. Online (and TV based) gambling, like the wretched lottery, is here to stay and whether Jersey is involved makes no difference.
But it doesn’t really matter – holding a debate in 2010 about whether to jump on a bandwagon that left in 2000 really is pointless. Jersey would be better off leaving this alone.
E-commerce and e-gaming would represent diversification, so shouldn’t you applaud the move Richard?
The Girrl
Desperation…I think it smacks of diversification and why shouldn’t they try and generate additional income streams?
Alderney has had one for years and reckons it is the biggest ‘eGambling’ base in the world, it was mentioned in an article I was reading about money laundering somewhere.
(sorry to use your blog but my email is broken!)
I never gamble myself, but as long as it is properly controlled, and regulated, why not.