G20 Voice

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I’m honoured to say this is a G20Voice blog. As G20Voice say:

G20Voice is part of an ongoing project that gives you the chance to participate, engage and influence leaders from governments, the business world, international institutions and other influential people at important global moments and events via the blogosphere.

We are inviting 50 influential and knowledgeable bloggers to attend the G20 Summit on April 2nd in London, UK, where they will get unprecedented access to world leaders and thinkers and the chance to ask questions about the issues important to them. 20 of those bloggers will be nominated by you.

Even if you are not one of the 50 at the actual summit there will be the chance to use this website to tell them about your concerns and ask them questions about their plans for ending poverty, tackling climate change or whatever concerns you most.

I have been asked to be one of the bloggers present at the G20.

I have, of course, accepted the invitation. It’s a chance not to be missed.

Questions are welcomed….

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