Unless we break the Big 4 we’ll never get out of this

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As Francine McKenna has said recently:

Why are we pretending that a Big 4 firm is independent and objective when continuing to audit an institution that failed under their watch, one that may be dragging them into litigation, one in which they have failed in their duties to protect the shareholders? And the only experts the government seems to be able to find to clean up the mess that happened on the Big 4's watch are the Big 4?

She's right. As is Prem Sikka, who has said this for years.

And yet look what Accountancy Age reports:

Amyas Morse, a former global managing partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, has been appointed Comptroller and Auditor General at the National Audit Office

I'm sure he's an OK guy. But is it really true that the Big 4 are the answer to everything.

My answer is that they quite emphatically are not.

They designed the accounting and auditing systems that got us into our current mess with the quite deliberate intent of facilitating financial market expansion at cost to society at large and with intent to limit their own liability and responsibility for the consequences. Sorry, but that disqualifies them form influence right now in my opinion.

If we are going to get out of this mess we have to rethink just what we want. And there's no sign we're doing that as yet. That's what worries me most of all.

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