These are my links for January 8th:
- Guardian Letters: Laying the foundations for a greener future - " As your editorial (Green shoots, 6 January) points out, perhaps the greenest aspect of Gordon Brown's announcement on "new" green jobs is the recycled policy it is based on. With the right approach the government could simultaneously green the economy and insulate it from the worst impact of recession. At present, there is a lack of ambition and coherence."
- MPs to grill auditors over crisis - Accountancy Age - They need the critics to be there or the Big 4 will just bleat about how it was all so unpredictable and how unfair it might be that they could be blamed for anything going wrong
Get Prem in, I say
- / Comment & analysis / Editorial - Get on with it - I have a feeling this is right
And that means I do think the Tories have a point
But I do expect government to demand a payback - and to collect it
- Prem Sikka: We must curb corporate power over our legislators | - "Currently various parliamentary committees are examining some of the issues relating to the financial crisis. None is looking at the power of corporate interests over legislators and governments. Without that there is no prospect of any durable reforms."
- / In depth - Madoff investment loans a no go at Deutsche Bank - Some saw the warning signs
I admit, that does not loo good for the SEC
- :: Manx Radio :: Isle of Man News :: - Amazing - the Isle of Man scaremongering against the spread of tax havens
Let's be candid - the Irish story is nonsense
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