These are my links for December 17th:
- Eleven angry States Members may set up ‘shadow cabinet’ » News » This Is Jersey - Good news from Jersey
- YouTube - Keynesian Economics Is Wrong: Bigger Gov't Is Not Stimulus - Dan Mitchell showing he does not understand money, Keynes or the difference between Keynes and Keynesianism
- MPs ponders tax amnesty for buy-to-let landlords - Accountancy Age - One word: no
Not one of these people had an excuse of evading
Make them pay
- Councils examine national bank plan - Times Online - New, local, models of banking are emerging
- KPMG UK News - billions of corporation tax refunds as a result of EU ruling - Just what the economy does not need right now
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I don’t think the amnesty route is a good one in this case. There is a practical difference between buy to let and foreign deposits. It’s a lot easier to hide money abroad than it is to hide a house in the UK! Establishing who these rogues are who don’t pay tax on their rents should be a fairly simple process..
[…] Apparently the economy does not need either a fiscal boost nor that the government obey the law. […]
RESPONSE TO: My bookmarks for December 17th…
Your enmity for truth represents a continuation and ever saddening view of self-inflicted terminal stupidity. Look into any mirror to see where the label “wrong” applies.
Mr. Richard Murphy, as the late Earnest Becker (Pulitzer Prize winner: Denial of Death) so aptly stated, “This is what we do, till we die.” You sir, are a fine exemplar for collectivism/statism till death.
Exercising extreme moral turpitude in one’s life is also viewed as a conflicted, lamentable experiment. Again, you seemingly appear part of that experiment. Unfortunate.
Capt. A.
Principality of Monaco
Capt A
Schopenhauer was bang on the money when he said that truth goes through three stages. In the first stage, it is ridiculed. In the second stage, it is violently opposed. And in the third stage, which of course is where we are now, it is accepted as self-evident.
You just need a little time. You’re clearly on the cusp of stages 1 and 2 right now. You’ll get to three….